When it came a time to find more about REST(ful), what it stands for and what is all about, a long way had to be taken. As usual we start digging into anatomy of whatever it would be about, but we cannot comprehend the anatomy without reference to the definitions and terms the anatomy content is related to. Same happens when you start digging into any of programming field i.e. first thing you should always do : get acknowledged yourself with definitions and (or) jargons if no official definitions are predeclared for a specific field or subject of the programming language and it's architecture such as REST as what stands for REpresentational State Transfer . REST is nothing more than a process of interchanging (transferring from...to) the data (resources) requested. One of the keystone of REST in practice : "let's do interchange data without the data itself", it means let's do interchange (transferring) the STATE of data rather than the data itself by taking advantage of JSON or any other relatively standardized format used for as Representation of state (you can think of state as some kind of God's magic spared : God said by giving a command and a fish duplicated, whilst the word of Representation you can think as a diplomat for foreign affairs between two ends (countries) of communication channel). If you read the abstract carefully, you already get acknowledged yourself with a couple of definitions of REST. There are many more. Instead of continue telling you fairy tales I will share Google Drive based article of mine in a greater detail in terms of glossary (call it jargons if you wish) for REST collected and the comprehensive introduction to the REST API as a whole in one place. I am kindly requesting to save one's time instead of surfing the internet on trying to find what particular definition or jargon of REST stands for. Thank you for reading, hopefully it was worth of your time. See you in the next one.
The article about REST shared :
REST API – Introduction | (2ed.)